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Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. PhD thesis. Hala Alhodaib, health line mental phd read thesis. Download PDF Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of this paper. Example of the CASP methodological quality assessment for one qualitative study Appendix 7. I will be forever grateful for their guidance, assistance, motivation, and confidence in me.
This project would never have succeeded without their expertise and constructive criticism. I truly appreciate the time they took in their busy schedule for advising me. Both are exemplars of the true scholar that I aspire to be. This PhD was funded by a full scholarship covering the studentship and research consumables from my employer King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and I am deeply grateful to their contribution to my education, and for enabling and funding this research project.
I owe sincere gratitude to all staff at the Saudi Arabian Cultural Bureau in London; their mentoring and support enabled me to attend the University of Warwick. Acknowledgement must also go to all my co-authors who have given my work and me a very important additional element: Professor Wasim Hanif Consultant - Diabetes and Endocrinology, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trustand Dr Sailesh Sankar Consultant - Diabetes and Endocrinology, UHCW NHS Trust.
Without their clinical expertise, knowledge and input, the project could not have been completed, health line mental phd read thesis. Particular thanks to Dr Antje Lindenmeyer University of Birmingham for her never-ending enthusiasm and expertise who constantly provided advice about the conduct and analysis of the qualitative parts of this research.
Special thanks go to Dr Yen-Fu Chen for his constant support and input throughout the systematic review and meta-analysis. I extend my deepest gratitude to Xiaofei Gao, the second reviewer in both systematic reviews, for her commitment and hard work. Big thanks to all the diabetes specialist nurses DSNs who took part in this research, health line mental phd read thesis, and generously gave their time and opinions.
Without you, my work could not have been done, health line mental phd read thesis. Thanks go to all the junior doctors for kindly agreeing to participate into the experiment session and being very patient in providing feedback and answering the questionnaire. I faced so many ups, downs, and transitions during this doctoral process, personally and professionally, which meant that I lost almost a year that I could have worked productively towards my PhD.
On a personal note, I would like to thank my family who made this journey possible; especially my husband Bandar and children Seba, Lina, and Sultan who have been highly supportive and patient throughout a tough and long journey, when I have had no time for them.
Thank you for always believing in me and supporting me in so many ways, and for the constant motivation to reach my goals; I would be lost without you. Thanks also go to my parents for their constant encouragement to have strong faith in God, and for instilling a work ethic in me that when I start something, then I will finish it — no matter what difficulties or obstacles cross health line mental phd read thesis path.
I also wish to thank my sisters and brothers for their moral support and constant cheering during these years. I am lucky to have such brilliant siblings.
I am also grateful to my PhD mates. Thank you for sharing your experiences, giving great advice, and team spirit. Finally, a huge acknowledgement to the Division of Health Sciences, particularly PET unit, for their help in making suggestions to my research project.
Most importantly I thank God for enabling me to complete my degree! Where information or guidance has been derived from other sources, I confirm that this has been indicated by means of reference. None of the work has been previously submitted for any other health line mental phd read thesis at another university, health line mental phd read thesis. The number of people living with diabetes is projected to rise sharply over the forthcoming decades.
Diabetes care is complex and can overburden clinicians and nurses. There is a need for innovative, flexible and cost- effective technologies to enable successful diabetes management. This thesis explores the opportunities and challenges of the mobile application app technology as a potential tool to support diabetes care and management.
Purpose The purpose was to develop and evaluate a mobile app that supports healthcare professionals HCPs in clinical decision-making.
Methods A mixed-methods approach was used following the user-centred design UCD framework for the design and implementation of all studies. Quantitative and qualitative systematic reviews of studies reporting the use of mobile apps to support diabetes management were undertaken to identify, appraise and summarise available research evidence.
An interview study was carried out with diabetes specialist nurses DSNsto explore their experiences and views, and to identify user requirements for apps. Lastly, a guidelines-based mobile clinical decision-support app was developed and tested with junior doctors and DSNs in a controlled environment to evaluate its usability and impact on adherence to clinical guidelines, and to explore how participants experienced the app and their suggestions for improvements.
Results Both reviews found that the existing evidence base for mobile apps is weak and inadequate to draw conclusions about the impact of their use as interventions in diabetes management.
The interview study identified that nurses lack experience in using apps in clinical practice, even though they believed it could facilitate and support their work.
It had no impact on the accuracy of decisions. Feedback from participants health line mental phd read thesis the pilot session and usability testing indicated a wish to integrate such apps into their clinical practice with a strong willingness to use them in the future. Conclusions Application of UCD methods was efficient as the app was well-accepted by both DSNs and junior doctors. Despite the positive views and the strong willingness to use such apps, health line mental phd read thesis, they are not widely used.
There is a need to regulate the use of medical apps in clinical practice. Further research with rigorous methodology is required upon which policymakers and practitioners can base their decision-making. The scope of the thesis and the rationale for focusing on mobile applications apps health line mental phd read thesis are then presented, followed by an outline of the thesis structure, which briefly describes the content of each chapter.
Aim and health line mental phd read thesis Developing the aim and objectives of this thesis was an iterative process, in which the objectives evolved while proceeding through the several stages of this research. Health line mental phd read thesis began with a primary goal of building and testing a mobile app, and the systematic review findings shaped the direction of this thesis. The overall aim was to explore the potential role and impact of mobile apps in management of diabetes, with a particular focus on clinical decision-support.
Solid evidence, based on high-quality research, on the impact of mHealth health line mental phd read thesis in diabetes care is lacking. There is a paucity of quality research, i, health line mental phd read thesis. research with robust study design, adequate descriptions of methodology and result, statistically-powered sample size health line mental phd read thesis protected against bias and inferential errors, concerning the use of mHealth apps in diabetes management and their integration in healthcare.
This present work aims to make a significant contribution to the existing knowledge. Given the potential of mobile apps to support diabetes management, this thesis seeks to identify the best available evidence on the role of mobile apps in the clinical management of diabetes, add new evidence on how diabetes nurses currently use and perceive the use of mobile apps in clinical practice, and gather further evidence on the feasibility of the developed mobile decision-support app.
Diabetes was selected as the condition for this thesis for several reasons. Diabetes is highly prevalent and costly, and a recent study estimated that the global increase in numbers with diabetes from to is The global trends suggest that increases will continue because of population health line mental phd read thesis, ageing, and rapidly rising numbers of overweight and obese people.
People with diabetes require at least double the healthcare resources of their peers without diabetes American Diabetes Association, Additionally, diabetes care is complex World Health Organization, as diabetes professionals deal with additional information: considering the risk of hypoglycaemia, the side effects of medications, comorbid conditions, dyslipidemia, obesity, age, race and gender; all combined to make the treatment options and decision-making even more complex Childs, In particular, HCPs face many challenges in caring for patients with diabetes and comorbid conditions.
For all these reasons, it is vital to find technological solutions that may assist HCPs in handling the prevalence and complexity of diabetes. Integrating mobile decision-support into a complex care workflow such as diabetes care is essential to enhance adherence to recommended treatments and to improve outcomes for people with diabetes. In an effort to improve the quality of care and safety of this population, an interactive mobile-based decision-support app for the management of patients with Type 2 diabetes T2D and CKD was developed, primarily for research purposes at this stage, health line mental phd read thesis.
The selection of CKD was informed by the patterns of comorbidity that are most common in this population Deshpande et al.
Nearly three quarters of people with diabetes will develop some stage of kidney disease Diabetes UK, a. A more complex version of the app, including all the common comorbidities of diabetes, especially major micro- and macro-vascular complications, is planned for development and testing in the future.
Based on the intended scope of this thesis, mobile apps referred to throughout this thesis are limited to those developed for, and used on, smart devices, i. smartphones, iPods and tablets not ordinary cellular phone-based systems. Thesis structure The thesis has 10 chapters organised as follows: Chapter 1 provides an overview of the key areas relevant to the wider context of the thesis.
It introduces the reader to diabetes status nationally and globally, the use of information technology IT to support and enhance the management of diabetes and the increasing global adoption of mobile devices, health line mental phd read thesis.
This will be followed by health line mental phd read thesis summary of the potential of mobile technology in diabetes management with emphasis on the health and medical apps market. Chapter 2 presents a brief background to the potential use of mobile apps in diabetes care including self-management, remote monitoring and clinical practice.
The chapter concludes with a summary of the main issues associated with mobile apps found in the literature. Chapter 3 describes the background to the research methodology undertaken in the thesis. The User-Centred Design UCD framework is applied to guide the development and structure of thesis objectives and how best to address them. The selected mixed- methods approach is then presented, with the rationale for the choice of quantitative and qualitative data collection methods.
The methods are then presented in three sections: criteria for considering studies for the reviews, search methods for identification of studies, and data collection and analysis. Both chapters state the review aims and objectives, followed by a description of the data analysis strategy.
The results are then presented and described, including a summary of included studies, their quality assessment, and the findings.
The discussion includes a comparison with other reviews, strengths, limitations and implications of the review, and suggestions for future research. Chapter 7 presents the interview study methods and results, beginning with the study aim and objectives, and the research design and setting. Next, the ethics and research governance approval are described.
The chapter then outlines the eligibility criteria, sampling and recruitment of participants, interview process and data analysis approach. This is followed by describing the results and discussion, including a summary of participant characteristics and the key themes identified.
The chapter finishes with a comparison with other relevant studies, methodological strengths and weaknesses, and implications of the study results are discussed. This begins with an outline of the rationale for the app design, along with functional and non-functional design requirements.
The chapter concludes with a demonstration of the final implemented design of the app.
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